Evening walk,oil on canvas, 110 x100cm, 2011

Evening walk,oil on canvas, 110 x100cm, 2011

Amsterdam, oil on canvas, 20x20, 2011

Amsterdam, oil on canvas, 20x20, 2011

Alhambra stillife, oil on canvas, 65x50 cm, 2011

Alhambra stillife, oil on canvas, 65x50 cm, 2011

Magnolia,oil on canvas, 50x50cm, 2011

Magnolia,oil on canvas, 50x50cm, 2011

Alise Medina, During his absence..., oil on canvas,50x40cm, 2011

Alise Medina, During his absence..., oil on canvas,50x40cm, 2011

feria de Abril, oil on canvas, 30x20cm, 2010

feria de Abril, oil on canvas, 30x20cm, 2010

Alise Medina, The morning fog, oil on canvas, 100x110cm,2011

Alise Medina, The morning fog, oil on canvas, 100x110cm,2011

Alise Medina, Appletree in the Livu square, oil on canvas,80x65 cm 2011

Alise Medina, Appletree in the Livu square, oil on canvas,80x65 cm 2011

"Fly", oil on canvas, 100x110cm, 2011

"Fly", oil on canvas, 100x110cm, 2011

"The tales of the moon", oil on canvas, 60x55 cm, 2011

"The tales of the moon", oil on canvas, 60x55 cm, 2011

"The Harlequin" oil/canvas, digital print, 70x50 cm, 2011

"The Harlequin" oil/canvas, digital print, 70x50 cm, 2011

"The blossom ", oil on canvas, 95x80 cm, 2011

"The blossom ", oil on canvas, 95x80 cm, 2011

"The Construction", oil/canvas/digital print, 50x105 cm, 2011

"The Construction", oil/canvas/digital print, 50x105 cm, 2011

"Sensation 2",oil on canvas, 60x40 cm, 2011

"Sensation 2",oil on canvas, 60x40 cm, 2011

"Slight breeze..." oil on canvas, 95x80cm, 2011

"Slight breeze..." oil on canvas, 95x80cm, 2011

"The Kid", oil/ canvas/digital print, 95x75cm, 2011

"The Kid", oil/ canvas/digital print, 95x75cm, 2011

The sound of the high heel shoes, oil on canvas, 85 x 230 cm, 2010

The sound of the high heel shoes, oil on canvas, 85 x 230 cm, 2010

"Under the evening sky", oil on canvas, 130x195 cm, 2010

"Under the evening sky", oil on canvas, 130x195 cm, 2010

"Angels", oil on canvas, 100 x150 cm, 2010

"Angels", oil on canvas, 100 x150 cm, 2010

"The game", oil on canvas, 100x 150 cm, 2010

"The game", oil on canvas, 100x 150 cm, 2010

"Natalie", oil on canvas, 100 x 100 cm, 2010

"Natalie", oil on canvas, 100 x 100 cm, 2010

"It was snowing outside and in her soul", oil on canvas, 100 x 170 cm, 2010

"It was snowing outside and in her soul", oil on canvas, 100 x 170 cm, 2010

In the car, oil on canvas, 100 x150 cm, 2010

In the car, oil on canvas, 100 x150 cm, 2010

Misterious night, oil on canvas, 80 x 80 cm, 2009

Misterious night, oil on canvas, 80 x 80 cm, 2009

Lilies, oil on canvas, 75 x 60 cm, 2009

Lilies, oil on canvas, 75 x 60 cm, 2009

"Service Nr.11", oil on canvas, 67 x 100 cm, 2010

"Service Nr.11", oil on canvas, 67 x 100 cm, 2010

In the mirror, oil on canvas, diam. 80 cm, 2010

In the mirror, oil on canvas, diam. 80 cm, 2010

Greenish morning, oil, canvas, 160x110 cm, 2009

Greenish morning, oil, canvas, 160x110 cm, 2009

In the other side of the river, oil/canvas, 40 x 55 cm, 2009

In the other side of the river, oil/canvas, 40 x 55 cm, 2009

Palmtree, oil on canvas, 35 x 45 cm, 2009

Palmtree, oil on canvas, 35 x 45 cm, 2009

After the rain,100x70,oil on canvas,2008

After the rain,100x70,oil on canvas,2008


Vernissage der Künstlerin Alise Medina im Restaurant Seeteufel
Game of Luck, Öl auf Leinwand
Markkleeberg, 8. Februar 2012 – Mit der gestrigen Vernissage eröffnete das Restaurant Seeteufel in Kooperation mit der art gallery leipzig eine neue Einzelausstellung im Rahmen der Ausstellungsreihe „Neue Kunst am See“. Unter dem Titel „BE-TRACHTUNGEN“ wurden im Seeteufel Ölgemälde der jungen Künstlerin Alise Medina aus Riga vorgestellt.
Für das leibliche Wohl gab es am Abend ein Flying Buffet und ausgesuchte Weine.

Zusammen mit Inès Keerl und Karin Krzenck-Lichtenstein, art gallery leipzig, eröffnete Ilona Antons-Sieben, Geschäftsführerin des Restaurants Seeteufel, feierlich den Abend. Den geladenen Gästen offenbarten sich Ölgemälde, welche spielerisch Licht und Schatten in Kontrast setzen.Medina experimentiert mit Techniken des Digitaldrucks und der Ölmalerei, um so neue Dimensionen zu erreichen.
“I love the sunlight and often it is present in my paintings. [...] And as a painter who mostly work in the evening, I enjoy also a night time, city lights, late walking, morning mist over the river and it all represents also in my paintings.”, erklärte die Masterabsolventin der Art Academy of Latvia.

„Die Bilder passen perfekt in unser Restaurant. Die Lichtkompositionen der Künstlerin verschmelzen mit dem hellen Raum und gehen einher mit den Lichtspielen und dem Ausblick auf dem Cospudener See. Wir sind gespannt, welche neuen Betrachtungen durch kommende Künstleraugen in unser Restaurant Seeteufel getragen werden.“, sagte Ilona Antons-Sieben.

Die Werke von Alise Medina werden im Restaurant Seeteufel noch bis zum 18.04.2012 zu sehen sein. Damit löst die Künstlerin aus Riga die vorangegangene Einzelausstellung „Nuevas Utopiás“ des Künstlers Pablo Mercado aus Antequera ab.